As we age, are skin begins to show fine lines, creases, folds or ridges. These visible lines are called wrinkles. They usually occur as you get older, but age is not the only thing that contributes to wrinkles. Your skin will also wrinkle temporarily after being soaked in water for a prolonged amount of time.
Although there are things you can do to prevent wrinkles from occurring, they are an inevitable part of the natural aging process. Wrinkles occur because your skin gets thinner, drier and loses its natural elasticity as you age. When this happens, your skin’s ability to protect itself is reduced*. Your genetic makeup may also influence how early you will develop wrinkles and where you will develop them.
Wrinkles most commonly appear on the back of the hands, face, neck and the top of the forearms. The two main types of are surface lines and deep furrows. Some effective wrinkle treatments can help reduce* the appearance of fine lines, but more aggressive techniques are required for deeper creases.
There are several factors that cause wrinkles. Sun damage, smoking, dehydration and certain medications are strong factors in the development of wrinkles. In addition to outer elements, wrinkles are just part of the normal aging process.
Smoking is thought to accelerate the aging process. This is due to the chemicals found in tobacco cigarettes along with the reduced* blood supply to the skin. People with lighter skin are more sensitive to the sun’s damage and may develop wrinkles sooner than someone with darker skin.
When looking at whether or not you will develop wrinkles, look at your parents. At what age did they begin to develop wrinkles? This is a good indication of when you will start to develop fine lines and wrinkles.
Believe it or not, your hair style can also factor in wrinkle development. Certain hair styles provide a certain amount of shade to your face over others. Hats and long sleeved shirts can also help protect the body from the rays of the sun.
Your job may also be a factor. Jobs where you work outside, especially by water, can create prolonged sun exposure.
Finally, common facial expressions can also contribute to wrinkles. Repeatedly smiling, frowning or squinting can create fine lines and wrinkles.
It is not uncommon for people to wonder about what age they can expect to start to see wrinkles. It is more commonly a concern of women. Unfortunately, by the time many people start to think about wrinkles, some of their habits have already contributed. It is important to take care of your skin at an early age in order to help combat wrinkles.
Natural aging is also called intrinsic aging. Everyone ages and everyone will develop wrinkles at some point in their life. Wrinkles actually begin to form in the late 20s. At this point, the production of collagen begins to slow and skin elasticity begins to weaken. Wrinkles do not show immediately, so prevention is often overlooked. As time goes on, you will see certain signs of intrinsic aging, including fine lines and wrinkles, transparent or thin skin, underlying fat loss, dry and itchy skin, sagging skin, graying hair and changes to the nails.
For women trying to conceal the signs of aging, the most important rule is less is more. Heavy foundations and powders will create a negative look. By using lighter amounts of makeup, women can downplay their facial flaws. Heavier makeup only highlights wrinkles, which is not what we want.
Consider using a tinted moisturizer, which provides lighter coverage and doesn’t settle into the creases of your wrinkles. It also won’t cling to facial hair. Only use this type of product on the parts of your face that needs it. Choose a shade that is one to two times darker than your actual skin tone, because lighter shades will again highlight your wrinkles.
Make your eyes the focal point of your face. If you do nothing else before going outside, use a tinted moisturizer and highlight your eyes to draw attention away from other facial flaws. Your eyes should pop.
Home Made Remedy
Wash and peel the papaya. Remove the seeds. Cut the flesh into small 1- to 2-inch pieces, and place in a blender or food processor. Papayas contain enzymes that etch away the top layer of skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and tightening the skin, according to Allison Tannis in her book, “Feed Your Skin, Starve Your Wrinkles.”
Wash and peel the papaya. Remove the seeds. Cut the flesh into small 1- to 2-inch pieces, and place in a blender or food processor. Papayas contain enzymes that etch away the top layer of skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and tightening the skin, according to Allison Tannis in her book, “Feed Your Skin, Starve Your Wrinkles.”
Add the milk to the papaya in the blender. Process on medium speed for about 30 seconds, or until smooth. Milk contains alpha-hydroxy acids that clear away dead cells and encourage collagen production to fill in wrinkles, according to “1,801 Home Remedies,” a book by Reader’s Digest.
Add the milk to the papaya in the blender. Process on medium speed for about 30 seconds, or until smooth. Milk contains alpha-hydroxy acids that clear away dead cells and encourage collagen production to fill in wrinkles, according to “1,801 Home Remedies,” a book by Reader’s Digest.
Scrape the sides of the blender or food processor with a rubber spatula or spoon, and process again for about 10 seconds to remove any lumps. If not using immediately, place in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 12 hours.
Scrape the sides of the blender or food processor with a rubber spatula or spoon, and process again for about 10 seconds to remove any lumps. If not using immediately, place in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 12 hours.
Spread the mixture over your face, forehead and neck, gently massaging the puree into your wrinkles. Relax in a comfortable position until the mixture dries completely, about 30 to 45 minutes. Rinse with tepid water, pat dry, and apply a gentle moisturizer. Repeat three times a week until wrinkles fade.
Spread the mixture over your face, forehead and neck, gently massaging the puree into your wrinkles. Relax in a comfortable position until the mixture dries completely, about 30 to 45 minutes. Rinse with tepid water, pat dry, and apply a gentle moisturizer. Repeat three times a week until wrinkles fade.
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