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Common Causes of Alcohol Addiction and Its Treatment

Common Causes of Alcohol Addiction and Its Treatment

Alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism, is a condition where a person abuses alcohol causing dependence as well as physical ailments.

Factors that could lead to Alcohol Addiction

There are many known factors that could drive you to alcoholism. Some of these are overt while others just creep up on you. The following are some of the most common factors.
  • A cycle of binge-drinking.
  • A history of alcoholism in the family.
  • Mental disease such as untreated trauma, high levels of anxiety, depression and other mood disorders.
  • Introduction to alcohol at an early age.
This is not an exhaustive list, but all these factors most often than not lead to alcohol addiction. The more of these risk factors you are exposed to, the higher your chances of getting addicted to alcohol are.
Treatment for Alcohol Addiction
If you or a loved one discovers that you have alcohol addiction, the first step is to accept the diagnosis. It is your first positive step on the long road to recovery. The second step is, with the help of a certified medical professional, to explore various treatment options. Some of these options include in-patient stay in a rehab facility like Beachway, or an outpatient option if you have responsibilities you cannot get away from.
In-patient Therapy

Also known as residential treatment, it involves staying in the rehab facility for the duration of your treatment. Your normal routine which includes work and socializing is put on hold for the duration of your treatment. Some rehab centers will allow you a short break to visit with family or friends mid-treatment. It is the more costly option since you are paying for your meals and accommodation, as well as specialized care while staying in the facility.
The length of in-patient therapy may vary on a case-to-case basis. However, 30 days is the commonly approved minimum duration of stay. To make an informed decision on your duration of stay, be sure to work with a certified health professional.
Out-patient Therapy
Out-patient therapy, as the name suggests, involves going through a rehabilitationprogram without being admitted to a rehab center or facility. This type of therapy is advised by various factors, one of which is the degree of addiction. Just like the inpatient program, the length and intensity of the treatment vary on a case-to-case basis. There is more freedom in this form of treatment, so the chances of a relapse happening are higher. It is important to make an honest assessment of your decision to take out-patient therapy as the responsibility to get better rests heavily on you in this option.
Having interrogated both options for alcohol addiction treatment, the onus lies heavily on you. You have the freedom to make a choice between in-patient and out-patient therapy, having weighed each option. It is also important to note that a strong support system is what will help you get through your treatment. Remember, your first step to healing begins with acknowledging that you need help.


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