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Bacterial Vaginosis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, & Prevention

Bacterial Vaginosis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, & Prevention

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) also known as vagina odor is caused by a misbalance in the levels of good and bacteria present in the vagina. There is a delicate balance between these microbes and a little upset can cause this infection.
It was formerly called Gardnerella vaginitis when it was regarded as a true infection and thought to be caused by foreign bacteria. It was later renamed to Bacterial Vaginosis when it was discovered that is not a true infection but rather an imbalance of bacteria present in the vagina.
Bacterial vaginosis is different from a candida infection; candida is caused by a fungus while bacteria vaginosis is caused by a bacteria. Many people find these two confusing and in some cases of candidiasis, there is no vaginal odor but an unpleasant odor is the main characteristic or tell-tale sign of bacterial vaginosis.
In most cases, BV does not cause any problem to the body but it raises the risks for sexually transmitted infections and it can lead to other problems in pregnant women and in women who are trying to conceive. It affects fertility.
BV makes in vitro fertilization (IVF) less successful and if a pregnant woman has it, it can lead to premature labor. It raises the risk of premature birth or a giving birth to a baby with low birth weight. It can also lead to pelvic inflammatory disease which can cause infertility.
This is the most common vaginal problem in women of child-bearing age. Though it is not contagious, it can spread among sexual partners especially lesbians. This condition can be easily treated.

Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis

The main cause of BV is when there is a reduction in the level of the bacteria lactobacillus. This bacterium is present in the vagina to fight off harmful bacteria and other microbes that may cause harm.
They also make the vagina slightly acidic thereby making it inhabitable for harmful bacteria. The acid also inhibits their growth. When there is a reduction in the level of lactobacillus, this gives room for the growth and multiplication of harmful bacteria, the vagina becomes less acidic and the environment favors them and becomes habitable.
Things or factors that can destroy this balance and increase the risk of BV are:
  • A weak or suppressed immune system
  • Sexual activity
  • Smoking
  • Douching (washing inside the vagina with soaps and antiseptics)
  • Using vaginal deodorants, scented soaps and bubble baths
  • Washing your pants and underwear with strong detergents
  • Multiple sexual partners
  • A new sexual partner
  • Frequent and indiscriminate use of antibiotics
  • Lesbianism
  • Anal and oral sex
  • Some health professionals believe IUD birth control devices cause BV especially in the cases of irregular bleeding but more studies are needed to confirm it.
  • There are reports that it can be gotten from public toilet seats and public swimming pools but it has not yet been verified.

Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis

Most women who experience BV have no symptoms but in some cases, there are symptoms that can mimic those of candidiasis and sexually transmitted infections, and they include:
  • A fish smell or abnormal odor and it gets stronger after sex
  • Vaginal discharge that can be green, white, cloudy, yellow, bloody or grey
  • Excess vagina discharge
  • A burning sensation when urinating
  • Cloudy urine
  • Inflammation
  • Vaginal fluid with an abnormal consistency
  • Pains in the vagina
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Itching inside, outside and around the vagina

Natural Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis

Before you think of natural remedies and treatments, the first thing that should come to mind is how to boost your immune system because if your immune system were not compromised or weakened in the first place, this wouldn’t have happened.
Take lots of foods rich in vitamins A, D, and C. the following minerals iron, zinc, selenium also boost the immune system. Oranges and other citrus fruits, carrots, ginger, strawberry, garlic, apple, cayenne peppersweet potatoes, and broccoli are all good for the immune system.
Also, spend quality time in sunlight by sunbathing. Do these every morning and evening to increase the levels of vitamin D in your body and also to boost the populations of the white blood cells in your body.
While boosting your immune system, the home remedies below can help you get rid of this condition.

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

This powerful oil is dense in antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. This oil can kill germs, including those responsible for BV and it also prevents re-occurrence.

Apply pure unrefined coconut oil on the affected part three times daily until the condition improves. You can dip a tampon in virgin coconut oil and insert it into your vagina. You can leave it for a couple of hours and wash the vagina after  removing it
Chamomile Tea


Chamomile has a soothing effect on the body, it alleviates most of the symptoms especially the swellings, burning sensation, pains, and itchiness. Chamomile is an effective home therapy for BV.
Take chamomile tea many times daily and you can also use the tea to wash the affected part as many times as you want during the day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

The acidic nature of ACV increases the acidity of the vagina and helps in killing the harmful microbes behind this condition. It makes the place uncomfortable for harmful bacteria and boosts the population and growth of the friendly bacteria.
Add one or two cups of ACV to your bath water and soak in it for twenty minutes. Pat dry and keep the vagina dry, do these at least once daily until you see the desired result.

Lemongrass Essential Oil

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